How does Electrolysis hair removal work?
Electrolysis is a method of permanent hair removal with amazing results. Safe, reliable and gentle, electrolysis hair removal can be used to target hairs on the face, including the lip, chin and other areas such as the underarm and nipple area. This is the only permanent form of hair removal on the market to date that is suitable for all skin and hair types, including red, white, grey, or brown/black hairs as it directly targets the source of growth.
By using a tiny, disposable and sterile probe, a direct current is delivered into the hair follicle. Meaning that the hair follicle can no longer produce any other hairs after this phase. Because of this, hair growth will become thinner and finer, and eventually will stop growing. Therefore electrolysis is one of the only permanent hair removal methods around.
In most cases, several sessions carried out over a period of time are needed to stop hair growth entirely. If there is a hormonal imbalance causing this hair growth, it may take longer, but it is stil feasible.
15 minute treatment | £25 |
30 minute treatment | £40 |
1 hour treatment | £65 |
Advanced Cosmetic Procedures (ACP) is a new name for ‘advanced electrolysis’ plus all the new additional techniques which have now been developed. This specialist treatment uses short wave diathermy to precisely and successfully treat unwanted skin blemishes such as broken capillaries, cherry angioma, skin tags, seborrheic warts, dermatosis papulose etc.
What actually happens in advanced cosmetic procedure?
The tip of the finest, smallest probe possible (about the size of an eyelash) is introduced along the line of the capillary and a tiny energy current is discharged. This ‘dries up’ and destroys the vessel which often disappears as it is being treated. Further treatments may be necessary depending on the severity of the problem. In the case of skin tags, the current destroys the vessels ‘feeding’ the blemish and ‘starving’ it of nourishment, resulting in its eventual demise.
Facial Thread Veins
These are not broken capillaries but rather permanently dilated capillaries that have very thin walls which constantly dilate and constrict. As we age, these vessels lose their elasticity and can become permanently dilated. There are numerous causes including ageing, hereditary, pregnancy, the rubbing of spectacles, smoking, energetic sports, temperature extremes and harsh weather exposure, hormones and skin fragility. They are commonly seen in a maturing ‘english rose’ complexion.
Blood Spots
These are bright red vascular blemishes which lie just under the surface of the skin. They are dome shaped or slightly raised and are frequently found on the midriff, back or front. Most people ages over 30 have at least one and they are even more common in men than women.
Spider Naevus
A spider naevus is a central dilated blood vessel, with smaller capillaries radiating from it like the legs of a spider. They can be found in isolation or gathered together in clumps on areas such as the cheeks.
Moles Reduction
Hairs from moles (and moles themselves) can be treated by those trained in ACP techniques. Once treatment has started, the mole may reduce in size and colour. Hairs in moles are generally deep terminal hairs with a very rich blood supply. Repeat treatments, as with electrical epilation are required. Ask your skin specialist for advice about electrolysis for many other treatable skin conditions such as; sebaceous cysts, age spots, xanthelasma and other blemishes. Note: Some blemishes require a GP’s written consent prior to treatment.
Skin Tags Removal
Skin tags are very common and most frequently found on the neck and face. They often appear with a neck like a mushroom and vary in size from a tiny speck, smaller than a grain of uncooked rice, to the size of a large pea or even larger. They are often found in areas of friction such as the underarm, groin, under the breasts or around the neck where necklaces may irritate.
Milia Removal
These are tiny white hard lumps containing keratin which lie superficially under the surface of the skin and can be easily treated with ACP techniques. Their exact cause is unknown although they are often associated with dry skin which can be acidic.
Seborrhoeic Warts Removal
There are various types of warts, including plane, common, seborrhoeic and verrucas. All can be easily and successfully treated. Warts can develop individually or in clusters. Seborrhoeic warts become more common with increasing age and can grow up to two inches across.
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra
A common disorder which develops in adolescence on black skin and is identified by smooth, dome shaped, brown to black papules seen mainly on the cheeks, neck and upper chest.
15 minute treatment |
£45 ( Moles from £55 )
30 minute treatment |